Thursday, February 17, 2011

Simple and Amazing things I am thankful for this past month

---Philipians 4 says
"I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength." 
---God has been speaking to Roy and I about being thankful for where we are in life. Seems that Satan wants us to get caught up in the future and miss all that God has for us in the present. 
So it's time to count my blessings. I'm thankful, not only for a very full bellied baby as seen above, but for the way she sits still at times. Just this month Luciana has become captivated by books. No matter what mood she may be in, if I crack open a book, this baby will be still. It's amazing. I love that she will cuddle for a book!
These are a homemade pair of socks! Yup that's right, my grandmother made them for me for Christmas (on top of a hat for Roy, and the baby and me). Got them just today in the mail. The note simply says "Enjoy, love Grammie"... I am spoiled!
Just a hint of all that my husband surprised me with on Valentine's day. He wanted me to relax this year. I have a hard time doing this if there are distractions around (a.k.a. housework). Roy made the house spotless and even managed to put out some gourmet treats for me. Ah huh, he really knows me well. This was the best gift ever!
I'm so grateful for a baby girl period. But along with having a baby girl comes being able to make them EXTRA girly. I am so thankful for this. I enjoy dressing her up at least 3 times a day. She is the best...she lets me put bows in her hair like no other kid...she keeps her shoes on, keeps her bow in, EVEN manages to cross her legs while wearing skirts! She's somethin' else:)
Lastly, I'm thankful for the love that Roy has for our daughter. I am so looking forward to seeing their relationship grow as time goes on. For now, at ten months old, she enjoys when he sings to her. He enjoys when she sits still while he holds her. ha.